4th International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

Postado por: Leopoldo Albigesi Barbosa

Dear Dr. Dênis de Lima,


With immense pleasure, we at the AAC group proudly announce the “4th International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing scheduled in February 03-04, 2021 at Paris, France.Industrial Biotechnology 2021 is the new edition of the “3rd International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing” which was held in Paris, France on February 17-18, 2020.We would like to extend our heart whelming thanks and appreciate the Industrial Biotechnology 2020’s Keynote speakers, session speakers, session organizers, chairs of the session and all the attendees without whom the cherished attainment of the conference was not possible.This conference is designed for professionals, scientists and young research forums engaged in the field of biotechnology. We have made every effort to make this event more practical and less theoretical. It focuses on latest updates, research and advances in industrial biotechnology. Renowned regional and International speakers will be participating in the conference through a series of plenary sessions, workshops and breakout sessions.We look forward to welcoming you to the “4th International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing” in the city of lights Paris.

With Regards,

Carter Perry

Program Manager | Industrial Biotechnology 2021 

Sessions on: 

1) Industrial Biotechnology

2) Bioprocessing and Bioseparation

3) Cell and enzyme engineering

4) Biobased products

5) Session on: Biocatalysis and biotransformation

6) Biomaterials

7) Bioenergy and Biorenewables

8) Bioreactor design and scale-up

9) Bioplastics and Biopolymers

10) Synthetic Biology

11) Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering:

12) Agri-food technology

13) Marine biotechnology

14) Cell therapy bioprocessing:

15) Algal Technologies:

16) Bioremediation and Waste Treatment

17) New IB tools & technologies

18) Bioeconomy and Circular economy


Industrial Biotech-Brochure 2021

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