
Orientador Linha de pesquisa Vínculo
Adilson Beatriz Chemical organic-chemical synthesis Permanent
Adriano César de Morais Baroni Chemical organic-chemical synthesis;
Fuel chemistry: development of catalysts for the synthesis of biofuels and methodologies for analysis and quality control of biofuels and fossil fuels
Adriana Pereira Duarte Chemistry of materials
Alem Mar Bernardes Gonçalves Growth and characterization of nanowires
Anderson Rodrigues Lima Caires  Optical Study of Biological Matters Collaborator
Ana Camila Micheletti Organic Synthesis Permanente *
Amílcar Machulek Júnior Photochemistry and applied electrochemistry Permanent
Bruno Carreira Batista Electrochemistry Visitor/
Bruno Gabriel Lucca Analytical chemistry Permanente
Carlos Eduardo Domingues Nazário Chemistry of fuels
Methods of separation and identification
Dênis Pires de Lima

Organic Synthesis;

Medical Chemistry

Diego Carvalho Barbosa Alves Synthesis and applications of graphene oxide Permanent
Edson dos Anjos dos Santos Organic Synthesis Permanent
Felipe André dos Santos Metalomics Permanent *
Fernanda Rodrigues Garcez

Chemical study of Pantanal and Cerrado plants: ethnobotanical and random approaches in the exploration of bioactive substances;

Chemical study of toxic plants for cattle

Gleison Antônio Casagrande

Photochemistry and applied electrochemistry

Chemistry of materials

Gilberto Maia Electrocatalysis and bioelectrocatalysis Permanent
Giuseppe Abíola Câmara da Silva Electrocatalysis and bioelectrocatalysis Permanent
Glaucia Braz Alcântara Nuclear magnetic resonance and chemometrics Permanent
Heberton Wender Luiz dos Santos Development of nanostructured semiconductors for photocatalytic hydrogen production  
Jamal Rafique Khan

Exact and Earth Sciences / Area: Chemistry / Subarea: Química Orgânica.

Environmental Sciences / Area: Green Chemistry, Photocatalyst
C-H Activation / Functionalization

Organocalcogen (S, Se, Te)

Medical Chemistry

Juliano Carvalho Cardoso Electrocatalysis



João Batista Gomes de Souza Environmental Analytical Chemistry Permanente *
Jorge Luiz Raposo Júnior Analytical chemistry Permanente*
Joaquim Corsino                      Chemistry of natural products Technician
Leandro Moreira de Campos Pinto Computational Chemistry Permanent
Lincoln Carlos Silva de Oliveira


Photochemistry and applied electrochemistry;

Chemical materials;

Development of analytical methodologies

Luiz Henrique Viana Fuel chemistry: development of catalysts for the synthesis of biofuels and methodologies for analysis and quality control of biofuels and fossil fuels Permanent
Marcio Roberto da Silva Oliveira Chemistry of materials Colaborador *
Marco Antônio Utrera Martines Chemistry of materials Permanent
Marcos Serrou do Amaral

Organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry;

Development of analytical methodologies;

Fuel chemistry: development of catalysts for the synthesis of biofuels and methodologies for analysis and quality control of biofuels and fossil fuels

Martha Janete de Giz Electrocatalysis and bioelectrocatalysis Permanent
Nidia Cristiane Yoshida Chemical and biosynthetic analysis of natural products through classical, biotechnological and integrated multi-atomic approaches. Permanent
Patrícia de Oliveira Figueiredo Chemistry of natural products Permanent
Roberto da Silva Gomes Chemical organic-chemical synthesis Collaborator*
Samuel Leite de Oliveira

Chemical materials;

Development of analytical methodologies;

Fuel chemistry: development of catalysts for the synthesis of biofuels and methodologies for analysis and quality control of biofuels and fossil fuels

Silvio César de Oliveira Photochemistry and applied electrochemistry Permanent
Valdir Souza Ferreira


Photochemistry and applied electrochemistry;

Development of analytical methodologies

Walmir Silva Garcez


Chemical study of Pantanal and Cerrado plants: ethnobotanical and random approaches in the exploration of bioactive substances;

Chemical study of toxic plants for cattle
