Giuseppe Abíola Câmara da Silva

Gratuate at Chemistry from the Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte in 1997;

Master’s at Chemistry from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte in 1999;

PhD at Science (Physical Chemistry) from the Universidade de São Paulo (IQSC-USP) in 2003;

Pos-doctoral stage at the Universidade de São Paulo (IQSC-USP) between 2003 and 2006.

Search summary:

His research is focused in Electrochemistry, with works developed in the following topics: Development of multifunctional electrocatalytic surfaces, synthesis of preferentially oriented nanoparticles and studies of the mechanisms of electro-oxidation of carbon monoxide and small organic molecules.


Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Abíola Câmara da Silva

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS

Instituto de Química – INQUI

Av. Senador Filinto Muler 1555

Cep: 79070-900 – Campo Grande – MS


Fone:  (67) 3345-3576

Currículo Lattes